Can you just never decide on which colour ribbon to buy or too scared to buy such a big roll of just one colour??
I have a SOLUTION: A Ribbon Share
Ribbon Share #1 - Satin Ribbon
You will recive a 1/8 share (1.7m) of each of our 13 stunning colours of Satin Ribbon for just $29.
What a great way to get all the colours you want without having to buy each one separately.
Ribbon Share #2 - 1cm Taffeta
You will recive a 1/7 share (1.3m) of each of our 13 stunning colours of Taffeta Ribbon for just $25.
Another a great way to get a great raqnge of riboons
All price include postage and handling.
As an added BONUS if you want to purcahse both ribbon shares pay just $50. That is a saving of $4 off the separates price.
All Ribbons above are featured on page 137 of the Ideas Book & Catalouge.